Friday, October 18, 2013


I try my hardest to please everyone, to accept everyone, but what has that led me to? It has brought nothing but trouble. I see a broken person, and I have this need of fixing them. Some can't be fixed, doesn't matter what I do, or how many ways I explain it to them, they don't seem to want to be fixed. It frustrates me, because as bad as I sometimes I want to turn around, and simply look away, I can't. They hurt me, they always make me feel like I have to apologize, I don't know for what, but I have to. In the end, I get hurt.

Every single day, every single night, every single second, I end up feeling like crap, why? Because that's how you make me feel. You say you love me, but let me tell you that's BS! If you actually loved me, you wouldn't leave me feeling like crap, like somehow it's my fault your life is not perfect, that I'm the cause of it all and that I tums apologize all the time.

I'm done.
I'm done saying, "Sorry."
I'm done letting you make me feel like I'm worthless.
Like, I'm a little ant you can simply step on, every time you fuckin feel like it.
I'm done being your puppet.
I'm done being nice to your bullshit.
I'm done trying to open you eyes.
I'm done listening to your BS.
I'm done believing you.

It's time to let go.
It's time to be me, my true me.
It's time to stop pretending.
It's time for me to stop trying to fix you.

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