Monday, February 11, 2013

Dear Sir Why,

Why didn't you give me a chance? Was I not worth it, was I simply just not worth the privilege of having you as my father? Oh please stranger, oh why?

The fact is, never before did I care about not having a father. The fact that i was unwanted didn't hurt like it does bow. Everything could of been distinct, my life, my mothers. Things could be less hard, or would they??

Today, I had a conversation with a girl in my French class and well it turns out her father is an ass. Her father saw her on Christmas and just ran. It hurt, I could see it in her eyes, although, she said she didn't care. The fact is despite whatever what we may say about not caring, well we do.
My father, he bailed on my mother and I. My cousin and my mother constantly ask if I ever want to meet him, 95% of me doesn't, 4% is unsure, but 1% of me does.

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