Thursday, March 7, 2013

People, Family, Rudeness, Repulsive

I have to learn when to keep my lips sealed.

It's not strangers who I have to worry about, but the people close to me I have to watch my back from. They are more likely to stab me if they do well I can't just shut them out and scream," I DON't GIVE A FUCK!", cause well I have to live with them, plus family is family, and well I'm in no condition of shutting family out.

Just like I didn't choose my parents, I didn't choose my cousins.

Let me tell you though, I'm strong, I can take peoples bullshit, it may crumble me at first, but hey it's not like I haven't heard the same rudeness before. What they say, it's simply how I imagine how they feel about themselves.

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