Thursday, January 17, 2013

Is it really that Complicated?

Dear Karmin,
Okay, yes, I understand and I believe everyone in this house understands that you have issues. But, you have to stop making things seem more complicated then they actually are. Okay, yes your life does suck, but you have to stop looking at all the negativity in your life. Concentrate on the positive things in your life. Stop hiding what you feel, if they ask, "Are you mad?", say what you actually feel instead of saying. "NO!".

As you can all see, I have issues, and I recognize that I'm not honest with myself and especially others around me. I need to start to enjoy the little things in life and stop letting the past get to me. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself all the time, I need to stop trying to blame others around me, I need to stop pushing those around me, I need to start being more honest with myself especially.

Because lets face it, feeling sorry for myself is not going to take me anywhere. It's always going to bring me down if I keep letting myself bring myself down.

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